How is VTX distributed (published date Feb 21, 2020)

1 min readSep 3, 2020

Only 364M VTX out of the 2.1 B Max supply were ever made available for sale to, supporters and Facilitators.

A- 800M VTX is allocated to the vDex main pool, which redistributes transaction fees to Nodes, stakers and contributors and is the source of Node and operator subsidies.

B- 455M VTX is only accessible by voting on proposals to incentivize community contributions such as marketing and social incentives as well as referral games, security updates, developments, partnerships, or anything else anyone wants to propose.

C- 156M are distributed to the core contributors over a 4 year lockup period

D- 130M are distributed to the prior work developers who built Volentix over the next 4 years weighted mostly to the last year.

E- 130M are distributed to the future work teams who join the Volentix development efforts now and later over the next 4 years

F- 65M were distributed to the initial contributors who formed the foundations of the Volentix DAE




Volentix is envisioned to be a community-powered decentralized autonomous organization (DAO).